We're back with another hip rotator ! Another "Obturator"! Last week was Internus, this week:
Obturator Externus
Obturator Externus Muscle Attachment Points
Origin: Superior and Inferior Rami of Pubis
Insertion: Trochanteric fossa of femur
Obturator Externus Muscle Action:
Lateral Rotation of the the thigh @ the hip joint (aka - laterally rotates the hip)
Standing Lateral Rotation -aka- External rotation
This is fun ! Play with Lateral (and Medial!) hip rotation yourself!
Obturator Externus is one of Six deep Hip Lateral rotators.
(which we've covered!)
and only two more to go! : Quadratus Femoris & Piriformis !
until next week! take it easy.....